If you've ever dabbled in the world of printing and digital images, you might have heard people throw around terms like “pixels," or "vector images," or maybe even “rasters” like they're secret code words, and you might be feeling like you’re on the outside looking in. You may even have somebody like one of JPT Graphics’ designers asking you for a vector file for your existing logo to put on a print job. Don’t worry; it’s not as complicated as it sounds! Let’s dive into the differences between these two types of images—and in a few short minutes, you’ll know which files to send your designer, so we can keep your project moving.
Imagine you're looking at a beautiful photo of a sunset on your computer screen. That image is probably a raster image. Raster images are made up of tiny little squares called pixels. You’ve heard that term before. You may have even seen an Adam Sandler movie by that title. Each pixel is like a single color tile in a mosaic, and together, they form the whole picture. Think of it as a digital paint-by-numbers. Like any mosaic, the picture is clearer the farther back you stand. But we’ll talk more about that in just a moment.
Common file types for raster images include JPEG, PNG, and GIF (the thing we all argue about how to pronounce—Jif? Gif? Tomato, to-mah-to. And it’s definitely pronounced, “Gif!”).
So, if you need image of a graphic (ahem, your company’s logo) that will look sharp at any size, raster images might not be your best bet.
Vector images are a completely different beast than raster images. Instead of being made up of a bunch of pixels, vector images are created with paths, which are lines and curves based on mathematical formulas. But don’t worry; we aren’t here to make you do math! The computers will do that for you. I speak from experience when I say that the artist who designed your logo didn’t need to whip out a graphing calculator. The software handles that side of things. We just tell it what looks pretty. Common vector file types include SVG, EPS, and AI.
So, if you need a logo that looks sharp on everything from a business card to a vehicle wrap to a literal BILLBOARD, vector images are your go-to. Your designer may have only provided you with raster logo files, but they almost certainly designed the logo using vector software, like Adobe Illustrator. They should be able to send you vector files, upon request.
Think of it this way: Raster images are like a puzzle. Once it’s put together, you’re stuck with the size of the pieces—you can’t blow it up without seeing all the gaps. Vector images, on the other hand, are like a magic blueprint. You can redraw the puzzle to any size you want, and it will always fit together perfectly. And there you have it! Raster vs. vector, decoded. Now you’ll know exactly what type of image you need—whether you’re designing a logo, editing photos, or just saving a meme for your friend’s birthday.