Printing & Graphics

Email Marketing

Helps Get Your Products & Services Noticed

Reach your target audience using visually interesting HTML email marketing. We design custom newsletters and email campaigns that, when sent out on a regular basis, significantly increase your sales numbers. JPT's dedicated servers stand ready and able to send out these orchestrated marketing emails.

This marketing approach raises corporate awareness about your products and services, helps build long-term business relationships, increases sales and promotes your company. Research shows that well-layed-out, interesting emails are often shared, forwarded to colleagues and other interested parties.

View our email marketing gallery.

How Does The Process Work?

The first step is to develop the main theme of your message. Our web design/email marketing staff will be happy to sit down with you, either in person or on the phone, and assist you in defining your campaign. All marketing campaigns, whether via email or print, should have a strong call to action which will generate referrals and leads in addition to increasing sales to existing customers.

Next, with clear cut goals in mind, our staff will outline the game plan in writing with a quote for services. If the costs are approved, the job is then assigned to one of our multi-talented designers who will create an effective and attrative HTML email, full of quality content, that matches your corporate image and achieves your goals.

Finally, we send the email out to your target group capturing prospective clients via e-mail, web site, and phone.

Live chat with us today to get your new email marketing campaign started!


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