Printing & Graphics

Marketing Services

Is Your Marketing Program Working For You?

The world of print procurement can be a confusing and dangerous place to find yourself alone without a guide. The professionals at JPT Graphics have been traversing these treacherous waters for over thirty years. We can safely guide you through the process, finding the best route to achieve your marketing and print goals.

The designers at JPT Graphics have the knowledge and skills to take your ideas and project requirements and translate them into a creative design proposal for your approval. You are kept “in the loop” through every step of the process which insures the end product is exactly what you had in mind.

Market Definition Tip:

Want to boil your marketing thoughts down to the very basics? Here's what the professor taught our owner, Simon, in his marketing course at Loyola University, Chicago in 1966.

A market is: PEOPLE, with MONEY TO SPEND, and a NEED TO FILL.

Live chat with us today to get your new marketing campaign started!


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