Printing & Graphics

5.5'' x 4.25'' Matte Greeting Card, with blank envelopes

Cards for all occasions!
The ideal choice when you want to send a message, a personal greeting or celebrate a special occasion!

  • vibrant, full color
  • printed on 14pt matte/dull finish
  • 4.25 x 5.5 folded
  • blank envelopes included

You can upload camera ready art or request us to prepare the art for you. Art charge/set-up is an estimate only and does not include any redrawing or creation of a logo.

Product Size: 4.25 x 5.5 folded
Print Method: 4 Color Process
Quantity 10025050010002500
Each $1.951.050.630.370.25
Subtotal $194.78262.07314.34372.13621.18
Quantity 5000
Each $0.20
Subtotal $1,002.60 
Printed on 14pt Matte/Dull Finish, scored and delivered flat


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Jet Proof TM
Jet Proof TM